March Art Work

Don’t forget to check out the Art Exhibit!  It is open until Thursday!

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Mrs. Gersten’s class: The students looked at the artwork of impressionist artist, Claude Monet.  We looked specifically at his artwork involving the tulip fields.  The students drew a mountain landscape with oil pastels.  Then they added tulips using tempera paint and Q-Tips.

The next art project was the “zoomed-in” monster.  (see lesson description under first grade).



The kindergarteners “read” the artwork of Carmen Lomas Garza.  The art piece depicted a Mexican family making tamales.  Click here to view the art work. We discussed the importance of family and the special memories shared with family. For this art piece, the students drew a family portrait.  The students learned how to draw people by putting  simple shapes together.  They were not allowed to draw stick figures.  For the next art session, they will add a colorful background with tissue squares and Elmer’s White Glue.

First Grade:

The first graders completed their paper sculpture self-portrait.

For the next art project, the 1st graders and Mrs. Gersten’s class, examined the zoomed-up paintings of flowers by Georgia O’Keeffe.  We talked about how artists use The Element of Art “space”.  The students created “zoomed-in” monster faces.  They had to draw only part of the monster’s face on their paper.


Second Grade and Mr. Thomas’ class:

Mrs. Masterson’s class created 3D banana sculptures out of tissue paper for the 2nd grade musical.  You can see the banana tree on the auditorium stage.  The other 2nd grade classes and Mr. Thomas’ class, learned about the role of tigers in Asian Art work.  Then the students painted abstract symmetrical tigers with tempera paints.

Mr. Thomas’ class: The students also completed their paper self-portrait (see 1st grade lesson).

The next project was inspired by the Faberge Eggs of Russia.  The students added a tissue paper layer around a plastic egg.  Then they decorated the eggs with gems, sequins, and ribbons. Check out the final product in the Art Exhibit.

3rd Grade:

The 3rd grade students worked on collaborative project for the Peace Run Event on March 7th at Camerena.  They created paper cranes.  The cranes were attached to a wand and were waved around to welcome the Peace Runners.

For the next art project, the students learned about the amazing optical art of M.C.Esher.  Using a ruler, pencil, and Mr. Sketch markers, the students drew their hand and used straight and curved lines to show movement.

4th grade:

The 4th graders completed their foil sculptures.  Prior to the lesson, we discussed the sculptures of Alberto Giacometti.  The students also learned how to draw the human form using proper proportions and placement.  They  practiced this skill by drawing several poses using a wooden mannequin.

The next drawing lesson focused on shading and drawing 3 dimensional shapes (cube, cylinder, sphere, and cone)

5th grade and Mrs. Simmons’ class:

The students completed their amazing animal eyes!  The students experiment with blending media, using charcoal pencils, and adding texture, and details.

Mrs. Simmons’ class and 5th grade worked on a fun Self-Portrait inspired by the art work on illustrator, Nate Williams.  Williams’ art work is characterized as being appealing to children and fun.  For this art piece, the students drew an abstract portrait of themselves and added words to describe their likes, hobbies, heritage, extra curricular activities, and any other words that told me more about them.  The students used oil pastels, permanent marker and water colors.

6th grade:  The 6th grade classes has several projects going on this month.  The first project was a drawing for the Peace Run event at Camerena Elementary.  The theme for this drawing was, My Vision of Peace.  The students were given the choice to use watercolors, chalk pastels, oil pastels, markers, crayons, paper, and Playcolor Sticks.  The art pieces were displayed at Camerena on March 7th.

The next series of lessons focus on value.  The first exercise gave students the opportunity to practice using varying shades with a charcoal pencil.  The students drew an “organic” shape with 3 different shades from their value scale.