Week of February 4th

Kindergarten:  The kinders completed their “Flying over my Favorite Memory” art piece.

First Grade: The students continued their paper portraits. It is fun seeing them explore an play with paper.

Second Grade:  The 2nd grade students learned about Space.  Space is one of the Elements of Art. We focused on overlapping.  The students used circle tracers to draw donuts.  They had to erase any overlapping lines.  Then they outlined the drawing with black marker and colored the donuts with chalk pastels.

Third Grade: The third grade classes are creating art for an event hosted by Dr. McLaren at Camerena called the Peace Fun Run.  The students are creating origami cranes to symbolize peace.  Participating students will be holding the cranes during the Peace Fun Run.  We did the 1st half of the crane this week.

Mr. Thomas’ class and Mrs. Gersten’s class also created art work for the Peace Fun Run.  This art work will be displayed at Camerena.

Fourth Grade:  The fourth grade classes began their Foil Sculptures.  This week they created platforms by wrapping colored butcher paper around cardboard.  They sketched out their plan for next week.

Fifth Grade: Check out the progress of these animal eyes!

Sixth Grade: The 6th graders are also creating artwork for the Peace Fun Run.  The theme of the project is: Visions of a Peaceful World.  The students were able to choose from a variety of media.

Mrs. Simmons’ class:  The students are creating an abstract self-portrait inspired by the artwork of Nate Williams.  The students also selected words that described their personality, hobbies, likes, etc. 38

Week of January 28th

Thank you everyone for the art donations!  We have a full supply of pink erasers and tape.  Here are the items we are still in need of:

Crayola Model Magic Clay (White)

Silver and Gold Sharpies

Kindergarten: We began our lesson by reading the story Tar Beach by Faith Ringgold. This art lesson was inspired by the beautiful patterns framing the artwork on each page of the book.  The students designed patterned borders using markers and crayons.  Each student took a “flying” photo which will be glued  work next week.

First grade: This week we learned about the art of makling self-portaits.  We looked at Pablo Picasso’s many self-portaits.  The students began their own self-portaits out of cut paper.  This art project allows them to explore and experiment with paper. (Pictures will be posted next week)

Second grade and 4th grade did not meet this week

Third grade and Mrs. Simmons’ class:  The whimsical, colorful, fun flower sculptures are complete!

Fifth Grade:  The 5th graders began their Animal eye drawings this week. They sketched out the shape of the eye and main lines using gesture drawing.  Pictures will be posted next week

Sixth Grade:  The Paper Relief Sculptures are complete!

Mrs. Gersten’s class:  This week we focused on color and how mood is represented through color.  We talked about warm colors and cool colors.  The students used magazines to cut and sort out colors onto their color wheel.  Then they drew a peacock and used the color wheel for the tail.


Mr. Thomas’ class:  We studied the paper cut out work of famous artist Henri Matisse.  The students designed their own cut out collages.